An article written by a bitter asian male who glorifies the CCP, mixes historical facts with fiction and conveniently leaves out the mass atrocities committed by asians and every other race on this planet. Remind us how many million people died under Mao's regime?

This article is a weak attempt at creating a "white man bad" narrative and victimization of asian men, hide your agenda better next time if you want to be taken serious atleast... And the irony of demonizing white men while complaining that asian men are demonized.

To end this comment on a positive note: we both like Metal Gear Solid. Also hope you'll be man enough like Snake to leave up critique.

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Mao's regime casualties were natural causes.

And cry baby, the progressive future of the world belongs to glorious Russia, China, Iran, DPRK. The Anglo Zionist )ew world order will finally meet it's demise according to scripture.

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